Forest of Tomorow
A global carbon credit trading platform for
Quality carbon credits certified to national and international standards, developed by Varuna.
What are carbon credits?
Carbon credits refer to rights that arise from reducing the amount of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions into the environment due to individuals or organizations implementing projects or measures aimed at reducing carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. These rights can be quantified and can be traded in the carbon credit trading market.
In what context are carbon credits used?
It is used in the context of global warming and climate change as a term for a tradable license that creates the right to emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases into the environment in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
The importance of carbon credits
Short-term benefits
Compensate for greenhouse gas emissions of various operators, resulting in a tendency for carbon dioxide emissions from industrial production processes to decrease, as well as promoting more reforestation activities.
Long-term benefits
There is an expansion of businesses related to environmental technology (Green & Climate Technology) and carbon credits. Investment is being expanded in clean energy groups or renewable energy, including the agricultural sector that will develop methods for growing crops, including promoting reforestation in community areas to create green areas for carbon absorption.
Highlights of Forest of Tomorrow
Project diversity
You can select projects based on your objectives in a variety of regions that have been certified with both regional and global standards such as T-VER, Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard.ㅤㅤ
Help offset your emissions
Select the most suitable project and receive official certification. Buyers can be assured that the greenhouse gas reduction is actually achieved as specified in the contract. Delivery on time and with a variety of payment methods.
Blockchain technology
Connecting project developers with third parties
interested in offsetting and investing in sustainability using blockchain technology to benefit those who truly protect the planet and make a real impact
Diverse projects
Carbon credits available for trading are divided by project type.
Certification standards and payment methods are divided by year by activity.
Greenhouse gas emission reduction (Vintage Year)
You can select projects that meet your needs, create benefits and increase the value of your organization.
Forward Trading
Flexible carbon credit trading.
Carbon credit prices can be negotiated based on risk levels.
Increase security by trading via Blockchain.
Technical assistance is provided for project development.
Join Varuna in reaching net zero carbon goals
Equivalent to Planting more trees
Environmental excellence with international standards
CO2 saves the world
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