
Our Use Case

Smart Farm Management

  • Monitoring maize crop health
  • Monitoring field and growth at every planting stages
  • Accurately assess yields
  • Predicting optimal planting dates
  • Evaluating plots with planting potential by rainwater
  • Providing advice on soil management, fertilizer usage and pest management.

An example of the application
of Varuna's Smart Farm solution


Varuna analyzes in-depth agricultural data with artificial intelligence (AI) technology and provides recommendations for all stages of maize growth, from planting, planning to harvesting including the introduction of satellite technology and multispectral drones or a high-resolution survey drone to improve the work to be more efficient, faster, and more accurate.


Varuna has an agronomist and an expert in the use of AI technology who closely monitors and gives suggestion about soil and pest management before planting, factors related to maize growth at all planting periods, including advice on the proper fertilizer application date and formula.

Varuna uses technology to analyze satellite images and multispectral drones, or high-resolution survey drones combined with geographic data related to maize growth to create a highly accurate health and yield estimation model to get maximum productivity at reasonable cost. Varuna was able to select field with potential for rainwater corn cultivation and recommend suitable planting dates.