EDR Satellite Image Processing Technology
from Varuna Land Monitoring Service

EDR Satellite Image Processing Technology
from Varuna Land Monitoring Service

Varuna aims to develop the Varuna Land Monitoring Service (VLMS), a satellite image data processing service
for the agricultural industry, survey assessments of natural resources and various forms of data analysis to support business decision-making by using a high-resolution satellite image of 10x10 meters and 20x20 meters.


The main problem in using satellite images is the cloud cover in the research area (cloud cover) and the limitation of accessing satellite data from service sources. This causes the failure in spatial analysis at the specified time interval due to the lack of data to analyze at that period of time, VLMS can specifically fulfill the needs of each customer segment. The data will be designed at various levels so that users can choose to use according to the nature of the work.

Highlights of Varuna Land Monitoring Service

  • Continuous data for 30 days and can be traced back up to 5 years.
  • Cloud-free processing data.
  • High-resolution satellite images of 10x10 meters and 20x20 meters
  • Monthly data for all regions in the country.
  • Display data in pixel ready to be used with Geographic Information System (GIS) conveniently.

However, Varuna's services include three levels of satellite image processing technology:

  1.  Sensor Data Records (SDR)
  2.  Environmental Data Records (EDR)
  3.  Application Data Records (ADR)

Data Records (EDR)

Environmental Data Records (EDR) is a cloud-free environmental index data service such as crop index NDVI, SAVI or SMAP, etc. The processed satellite imagery designed for each purpose of use; the data comes from cloud-free environment satellite image index data for 15 - 30 days.

Service Area

The data processing service area of Sentinel satellites covers every region of Thailand in all data layers that are required by customers. The data from processing service to remove cloud cover is available daily, bi-weekly, and monthly at resolution of 10x10 meters and 20x20 meters. In ASEAN region (Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Vietnam), only specific data services are provided such as SDR (Sensor Data Records) and EDR (Environmental Data Records).

Five Industrial Benefits

Forest sector

Forest sector

  • Forest sector is used to study the classification of various forest types such as mangrove plant, forest plantations,
  • forest fire area assessment,
  • continuously monitor changes in forest areas.
The agricultural sector

The agricultural sector

  • used to study the cultivation area, various economic crops, productivity prediction,
  • estimation of natural disasters and pests 
  • planning economic crops zones such as longan, rice, sugar cane, corn, cassava, pineapple, oil palm and rubber.
Natural disasters and environment

Natural disasters and environment

  • used to assess damage from natural disasters
  • plan losses from disasters such as floods, landslides, forest fires
  • monitor the spread of sediments from marine mining, coastal erosion, wastewater distribution, etc.
Forest sector is used to study

Forest sector is used to study

  • the classification of various forest types such as mangrove
  • plant, forest plantations, forest fire area assessment,
  • continuously monitor changes in forest areas.
Financial and credit business

Financial and credit business

  • helps predict the future direction for economy to prepare for changing situation 
  • planning loans to customers to ensure that the results of loan can grow.

          Satellite image processing technology, Environmental Data Records (EDR)
is one of the Varuna Land Monitoring Service (VLMS) which will solve the cloud cover problem,
providing clear crop display and beneficial for all five industry sectors as mentioned above.